Tim serves as a Special Advisor to private companies, national associations, trade organizations, and governments. A licensed attorney in California, DC, and ME, he graduated from the Georgetown University School of Foreign Service (Phi Beta Kappa) and the University of Michigan Law School.
Tim's specializes in digital services and rights law (digital identity, security, privacy, cross-border information sharing, e-apostilles, and human rights). He is an author of the Virginia Digital Identity Law (2015) and the Virginia Remote Online Notary Law (2011), both of which are first of their kind in the US and have inspired similar efforts in jurisdictions around the country. As a result of this thought leadership, he was appointed as an ABA Advisor to the Uniform Law Commission’s drafting committee to amend the Revised Uniform Law on Notarial Acts (2018) as well as the Identity Management in Electronic Commerce Study Committee (2018).
An internationally recognized expert on emerging online and e-notarization, digital identity law, e-apostilles, information sharing, and de-centralized data governance, he has testified on these topics before the U.S. Congress (the Interstate Recognition of Notarizations Act or "IRON Act" 2010), over a dozen states as well as the Hague Conference on Private International Law. With the European Union, he has served on the Advisory Board of the European Commission's LIGHTest Project and is an active participant in EEMA.
Tim has a wife and two sons. In his free time, he enjoys music, including playing the oboe and English horn.