Simplifying Digital Rights Law and Policy

Digital Services as Human-Centered Services

Subject Areas

Lex Informatica and Human Rights: Obsta Principiis et Respice Finem

- Centralized digital identity surveillance and control systems risk rendering humans adiaphoric, anomic, and agentic.

Information Assurance


From the legal and digital rights perspectives, Information Assurance is the practice of assuring human agency through transnational legal recognition and proof of digital identity, electronic signatures, and electronic records. Emerging legal tools for assurance include: online notarization, digital identity, digital signatures, e-recording, blockchain, and e-apostilles.

Information Security


From the legal and digital rights perspectives, Information Security refers to the processes for establishing enforceable legal relationships and authority (access controls) between: 1) humans to humans and 2) humans to machines and systems. Emerging legal tools include: federated identity system legal frameworks (control of digital identity by the human subject), self-sovereign identity, distributed trust, User Managed Access (UMA) as developed by Kantara Inc; and digital identity as an asset.

Information Privacy


From the legal and digital rights perspectives Information Privacy and Data Protection, is the practice of enabling the dynamic sharing/exchange of personal data with third parties in a manner that recognizes the human subject’s decisional autonomy and data confidentiality. Emerging legal tools include: consent receipts, consent gateway authorities, and Data Controller privacy by design.